PGFORYOU: Your one-stop solution to find a pg.


Yes, you got an admission to an institute in Chandigarh. But where are you going to stay? An obvious answer comes to your mind : PG. 

• As it is affordable 

• Food is included 

• Daily room cleaning is included 

• You get a furnished room with a mattress, lights, a.c., etc already installed 

But why is it so hard to just find a good room in a PG? Why are there multiple ways to find a pg, such as:- 

• You might ask your friends and family for suggestion 

• You might ask your institute 

• Some of you might go to a broker 

• All of you might find fake photos and information with limited options available online • Then you roam around the city to find TO-LET board signs for boys and girls. (But you know  what? Many times PG owners don’t even put TO-LET boards on their pgs. So even if that pg has  quality rooms, you won’t be able to find it.) 

Many times, there is no one to even show you rooms in a PG. You’ll keep ringing door bells and call pg  owners, thus wasting your time. 

So, why is there not an organised and simplified way to search for a pg? Even if there is, then why can’t  they show you the full picture of those pgs and save your time and efforts? You would still need to go  and physically view each pg with your own eyes. 

All these challenges are our mission to solve, so that you can view the pgs online just like you would do  in real life and see the reality just like you view and book hotels online nowadays. Solving all the  problems mentioned above in a simplified manner would indeed make us your one-stop solution. 

We are people who have lived in PGs ourselves and that too in Chandigarh. We ourselves have faced  these difficulties. 

So through pgforyou, we want to give the best experience to at least find a pg without charging anything  from you lovely people. 

We’ll try our best to help you find a PG !!!

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